Get Involved
Virginia Cooperative Extension relies on volunteers to accomplish its mission. We believe that active citizen involvement in our programs makes a difference in our success. The work of volunteers at the local level helps us leverage our paid faculty and staff resources into a much greater impact for the people of Virginia.
There are many ways you can get involved with us. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss available opportunities.
How to Get Involved
Virginia Cooperative Extension is interested in listening to your ideas of local issues and needs that VCE could address. Your input is valuable to us, as it helps us stay in touch with community concerns. We are constantly striving to keep our educational programs relevant to citizens' needs. We invite you to contact any of the Extension Agents or any of Lunenburg's ELC members to share your ideas. Please call the Lunenburg Extension Office at 434-696-5526 or stop by our office at 11409 Courthouse Road in Lunenburg, VA.
Lunenburg's Extension Leadership Council (ELC)
The Extension Leadership Council (ELC) assists Virginia Cooperative Extension in developing and implementing a program plan that will direct Extension’s resources toward the resolution of identified issues and concerns in the community. This council is composed of a diverse group of salaried and volunteer staff who assumes responsibility not only for identifying the needs and concerns that exist in their planning area but share a commitment to finding solutions, implementing them, and evaluating the results of the implementation. Their sense of responsibility and commitment is matched with their sense of “It is our community and together we can work it out.” The diversity of the group enhances the discussions, deliberations, and results. Each person brings unique experiences and information that will contribute to the process. They believe that together we can produce a total program effort that addresses some critical issues in the planning area, producing an impact that is recognizable and real. They believe volunteers are staff and are equal to salaried staff in value. As a result, volunteer staff may assume major, equal, or secondary responsibilities for the development, implementation, evaluation, and termination of programs and activities. Our ELC volunteers are extraordinary people, sharing their time and talents in helping Virginia Cooperative Extension to promote our mission.

Lunenburg's ELC meets quarterly.
Committee Members
Virginia Cooperative Extension (ELC) in Lunenburg County is pleased to recognize their Extension Leadership Council members for their devoted dedication to the Lunenburg County Extension staff. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience in communications, problem solving, developing values, knowledge, skills and abilities in selected interest.

4-H Volunteers: Lunenburg’s Finest
4-H is a community of six million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. It provides youth with hands-on, real-life opportunities to learn skills, gain knowledge, have fun, and make contributions in such areas as environmental education community service, and current youth issues.
Volunteers are the keys to our success in Lunenburg 4-H program. Whether you’re interested in becoming a club leader, or just have a few hours to invest, we’ve got challenging and fun jobs for adults and teens who want make a difference.
You can Get Involved by participating in a club, enjoying a project, leading a group, becoming a volunteer…. The opportunities are endless! If making a difference in the life of a young person appeals to you, become a 4-H volunteer leader today in Lunenburg County!